Why does my credit card not work on bitstamp

why does my credit card not work on bitstamp

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Not sure of the exact and canary, i am guessing did they know it was. Payment function has ceased working after last update to standard Edge version - Microsoft Community Hub Thread i opened, no responses yet though.

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Bitstamp Buy Bitcoins with a credit card
Bitstamp has been named the #1 centralized crypto exchange in the world by CCData's (formerly CryptoCompare) Exchange Benchmark for the second time running. It appears to be an issue with Bitstamp and they just won't accept ownership of the issue, take responsibility and resolve it. I'm not big into. We have scheduled a temporary downtime for both, our Bitcoin Credit Card purchase and eCheck products, while we work on alternative providers.
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It's a tiered system based on an investor's day trading volume. Will likely just uninstall and go with another app. Bitstamp has a fairly transparent fee structure. Bitstamp now offers a lending feature called Earn Lend by partnering with digital asset lending company Tesseract. With a proven track record, cutting-edge market infrastructure and dedication to personal customer service with a human touch, Bitstamp secure and reliable trading platform is trusted by more than 4 million customers worldwide.